Service Agreement
Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you are not 100% satisfied with our services, please contact us immediately. We stand behind our services 100%. Our satisfaction guarantee gives you the peace of mind you need to trust our services. We offer free re-cleans if the space was not cleaned properly, or if something was overlooked. Please note that refunds are not offered. Re-cleans will only be offered if we’re notified in writing and with pictures included within 24 hours of the appointment. It is our privilege to be able to serve you and guarantee your satisfaction.
Unless other arrangements have been made in advance with Clean Queens LLC, payment is due in full at the time of service by Credit Card. All clients have until end of business day that the service takes place on to complete payment of their invoice. All new bookings require a Credit Card on file. We reserve the right to suspend, cancel or reschedule any cleaning services for clients who have outstanding balances. All late payments will incur a fee of $20/per day until the invoice has been paid. Failure to fully remedy payment within 5 business days of notification of insufficient payment will result in the incurred late fees, in addition to any attorney fees, which may be required to collect on the outstanding balance.
Cancellation of Appointments
You may reschedule, add to or cancel your cleaning services. We understand that unforeseen events may occur which creates a need to cancel your scheduled cleaning appointment. If you need to cancel an appointment, please help us to serve you and our other clients by giving us as much advance notice as possible. If for any reason, you need to change your scheduled appointment, we require at least a full 48 hours notice. For cancellations of service the day before it is scheduled, a cancellation fee of 50% of your service cost will be charged. In the event of a cancellation on the day of scheduled service, full payment for the scheduled service will be applied to the credit card on file.
Access to Home / Lock Outs
Most Clean Queen LLC clients provide us with a key and/or code to their keypad. Keys in our possession are coded and returned to the office until the day of the cleaning appointment. The client’s address is never included with the key. If your home has an alarm system, please ensure that it is turned off before your appointment. You may also provide us with the code and steps for us to turn off the alarm. We will reset the alarm when we leave only if we have the code. However, Clean Queens LLC will not be responsible if the alarm is set off by our mistake. In the winter for the safety of our crew, we request that the pathway to walk into your home (driveway, stair etc) is clear of snow or ice. If our crew is unable to gain access to your home at the time of the appointment due to the client’s actions or inactions, or if, for any reason, a staff member feels that his/her personal safety is endangered enough to cause him/her to leave the job site, then the client will remain liable for the full cost of the service.
Skipping Recurring Appointments
Clients who have regularly scheduled cleanings (i.e., daily weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) can get discounted rates. However, clients with regularly scheduled service who skip their service, will incur a skipping fee of 25% per period, which will be added to the next service. If clients with regularly scheduled service routinely skip cleanings, any discounts for being regular customers may be terminated at any time.
Team Member Assignments
All Clean Queen LLC team members are properly trained to provide cleaning services. We will make every effort to assign the same team for every cleaning. However, in the event of a call-out or unforeseen circumstance, the client agrees to our discretion to make changes in the team member assignment.
Service Schedules
Our teams generally clean between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. When you book your cleaning appointment it will be based on a 1 hour arrival window. We strive to maintain consistency and to provide the best service to our clients, so we always try to arrive within the designated window. However, many variables can affect our arrival times, such as traffic, parking, appointments taking longer than expected. When necessary, our teams may also need to stay past 5:00 PM to complete a job. You will receive a text or email reminder the day before the appointment with a closer estimate time of arrival.
Client Responsibilities
Clean Queens LLC must be able to reach all the areas to be cleaned. To complete the scheduled cleaning, dishes, clothes, toys, leftover food, etc. need to be put away before we arrive. Clutter can increase the time it takes to clean your house at the rate we quoted. If extra time is required, the price of service will necessarily increase. Additionally, it is Clean Queens LLC's policy not to put things away that are left out, as we are not aware of how each client prefers their home organized, unless discussed prior to your service. When in each client’s home, we will be working as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please ensure that your house is well ventilated and/or air-conditioned. If the house is too hot or too cold, our cleaning crew’s health may be negatively impacted. For this reason, we must insist that you keep your home in the 66-72° range while we’re in the home, especially in the summer months when the house become hot and/or humid.
Occupants / Pets
Please limit the number of people in your home when we arrive. Also, please move your pets outside or have them restrained while we are in the home. Clean Queens LLC's staff cannot be held responsible for any person or pets in the home. We ask your cooperation in correcting any problems that could affect our efficiency.
Health Hazards
Please know that workers’ compensation insurance and OSHA guidelines do not allow us to request employees to remove human or pet discharge (including urine, feces, vomit, blood) without proper training and equipment. Our insurance does not cover us for any employees in the case that they get sick from being in touch with human or pet discharge while working for us; therefore we communicate to the cleaning teams that they are not allowed to touch/remove/ clean areas where it has been contaminated by human/pet discharge. We also cannot clean while pest control spray is fresh. We would appreciate your letting us know if there is someone in the home is ill, so we can take precautions or might re-schedule. If you or another occupant of your home has tested positive for Co-Vid19, please let us know as soon as possible so we can waive your cancellation fee and reschedule your appointment.
We ask you to inform trustworthy neighbors, relatives and anyone else that may be “keeping an eye on your home” for you that we will be at your home cleaning on the scheduled cleaning days. Doing so can save the police department, neighbors and the cleaning crew from an embarrassing situation. Please notify us in advance if any person or people may be in your home during the time of a scheduled service. This includes family members, service contractors, repair personnel, and so forth. We reserve the right to reschedule visits that coincide with a visit by another service contractor or houseguest.
All trash cans in the house will be emptied and re-lined as required. Clean Queen LLC will NOT dispose of any items not already in a trashcan or labeled as trash. We never know what might be important to you. This includes soda cans, empty bottles, leftover food, etc.
Clean Queens LLC provides all appropriate cleaning supplies and equipment, which all employees are trained to use. If a client requests that we use their products and/or equipment, then this will void our Satisfaction Guarantee. Additionally, when a client insists that Clean Queens LLC uses their personal cleaning equipment, they assume all risk for possible damages to said equipment and agree to hold Clean Queens LLC harmless for any damages which may arise from such use.
The best protection is a precaution. Clean Queens LLC strives to provide the best possible cleaning experience, and carefully selects the cleaning crews, which we use. However, please DO NOT leave out any money or valuables, which could be lost or taken. When we find valuables left out, we will clean around them. If valuable items are found on the floor, they will be placed on furniture in the same room they were found. If you feel something is not where you last remembered it being after our service, please let us know immediately so we can possibly help you locate the item in your home.
Clean Queen LLC crews have been trained in the proper and safe handling of items in homes. Unfortunately, accidents still occur occasionally. If this happens, you will be notified via text or email. Reimbursement will be made up to $250 with a copy of your replacement receipt, or a quote on a replacement for a similar item. Items, which cannot be replaced due to sentimental or antique value, should be reported to Clean Queens LLC BEFORE service begins. We reserve the right not to touch an item. Our insurance company will handle reimbursement for items over $250.
Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by giving to the other party at least one weeks’ written notice. Written notice may be in the form of a text message or email when sent to the primary contact information for Clean Queens LLC.
Right to Refuse Service
Clean Queens LLC and its subsidiaries reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, and/or cancel services in our discretion, including, without limitation, if Clean Queens LLC's believes that customer conduct violates applicable law or is harmful to the interests of Clean Queens LLC.
Clean Queens LLC recognizes and acknowledges that this Agreement creates a confidential relationship between the company and the client and that information concerning the client’s business affairs, customers, vendors, finances, properties, methods of operation and other such information, whether written, oral, or otherwise, is Confidential Information. Clean Queens LLC agrees, that it will not, at any time, during or after the term of this Agreement disclose any confidential information to any person whatsoever. Clean Queens LLC further agrees to bind its employees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Clients may grant information to be listed as a reference or in a testimonial for New England Maids to market its services. We do sometimes like to take photos or videos of our work to to post on social media channels. If you do not permit us to use content from your home on our social media channels, please let us know in advance and we will abide by your requests.
Non-Solicitation of Clean Queens LLC Employees
Clean Queens LLC strives to provide the best possible cleaning technicians for each and every job – and provides cleaning crews with special training and supplies to make sure each job is done according to the company’s exacting standards. Clients hereby acknowledge that the relationship between Clean Queens LLC and all of its employees, is essential to the proper functioning of the business, and providing the high-quality cleaning that each client expects. Therefore, clients hereby agree to not solicit any employee of Clean Queens LLC at any time when a current client of Clean Queens LLC, and for a period of one (1) year after the completion of their final cleaning. If a client desires to directly retain the cleaning services of one or more employee(s) of Clean Queens LLC, they hereby agree to pay New England Maids a fee of $4000 per employee. Additionally, clients hereby agree not to solicit any employee of Clean Queens LLC on behalf of any other business enterprise, nor induce any employee associated with Clean Queens LLC to terminate or breach an employment, contractual or other relationship with Clean Queens LLC. If such solicitation or inducement to terminate employment with Clean Queens LLC, the client hereby agrees to pay Clean Queens LLC a fee of $4000 per employee solicited and/or induced to leave the employment of Clean Queens LLC.